Definition of Strip down

1. Verb. Get undressed. "They strip down themselves"; "She strips in front of strangers every night for a living"

Exact synonyms: Discase, Disrobe, Peel, Strip, Uncase, Unclothe, Undress
Specialized synonyms: Take Off
Related verbs: Disinvest, Divest, Strip, Undress
Generic synonyms: Take Off
Derivative terms: Peeler, Strip, Stripper, Undress
Antonyms: Dress, Dress

Definition of Strip down

1. Verb. (intransitive) To remove all of one's clothing. ¹

2. Verb. (transitive) To remove inessentials from. ¹

¹ Source:

Lexicographical Neighbors of Strip Down

strip alert
strip away
strip bar
strip bars
strip cartoon
strip cartoons
strip club
strip clubs
strip cropping
strip down
strip joint
strip joints
strip lighting
strip loin
strip mall
strip mine
strip miner
strip mining
strip off
strip parties
strip party
strip poker
strip search
strip searched

Literary usage of Strip down

Below you will find example usage of this term as found in modern and/or classical literature:

1. Pamphlets on Forestry in North Carolina (1894)
"Another arrangement for a street of such width is one row down each sidewalk with a parking strip down the middle of the street with a double row of trees ..."

2. School Library Management by Martha Wilson (1919)
"Take a strip of paper one-half inch wide and of the same length as the leaf; carefully fold this strip down the center, apply a thin coat of paste to the ..."

3. School Library Management by Martha Wilson (1922)
"Take a strip of paper one-half inch wide and of the same length as the leaf; carefully fold this strip down the center, apply a thin coat of paste to one ..."

4. Pneumatic Tires, Automobile, Truck, Airplane, Motorcycle, Bicycle: An by Henry Clemens Pearson (1922)
"It is then placed on the carcass with the breaker strip down, the joint being cut on the bias. The side is first run around with a ^4-inch, two-ply guiding ..."

5. The Encyclopedia Americana: A Library of Universal Knowledge (1918)
"Finally the British commissioners conceded to Russia the whole strip down to 54° 40', but sought as a last resort to have the coast line drawn straight ..."

6. The Encyclopedia Americana: A Library of Universal Knowledge (1918)
"Finally the British commissioners conceded to Russia the whole strip down to 54° 40', but sought as a last resort to have the coast line drawn straight ..."

7. Reports of All the Cases Decided by All the Superior Courts Relating to by Edward William Cox, Great BRitain Magistrates' cases (1907)
"... the syndicate would within twelve calendar months demolish and clear away all the existing buildings upon the strip down to the level of the pavement in ..."

8. Entomological News and Proceedings of the Entomological Section of the by Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia Entomological Section (1904)
"gently press on the bases of the wings, and as they go down toward the board bring the paper strip down, and very quickly they are in position. 8. ..."

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